In this post, we’re diving into a special brew from our Jar of Destiny series: the California Common (BJCP 19B). This style was chosen about three months ago as a part of the 10th pick, and after extensive research and careful brewing, we’re excited to share the final product with you. The timing of this beer tasting is particularly meaningful because of the news that Anchor Steam is set to re-open its doors.

The Jar giveth and resurrects!

Let’s break down the process and see how this California Common turned out.

Brew Dudes California Common Recipe

Here’s the recipe we followed to brew this beer.


9 pounds (4.1 kg) of German Pils malt
1 pound (0.45 kg) of 40°L Crystal malt
1 pound (0.45 kg) of Munich Malt
1 ounce (28 g) of Northern Brewer hops, 8.6% a.a. (first wort)
0.75 ounce (21 g) of Northern Brewer hops, 8.6% a.a. (20 min)
1 ounce (28 g) of Northern Brewer hops, 8.6% a.a. (knockout)
1 Whirfloc tablet
1 packet of White Labs WLP810 San Francisco Yeast (1 liter starter made 2 days before brew day)


Mash Time: 60 minutes
Boil Time: 60 minutes
4 grams of gypsum and 4 grams of calcium chloride added to the boil
Fermented for 2 weeks at 62°F (17°C)
Cold Conditioned for a month

Yield: 5 gallons (19 L)
Original Gravity: 1.054
Final Gravity: 1.012
ABV: 5.51%
IBU: ~35
SRM: 9 – Pale Amber

The Review

So, how did it turn out? First off, the appearance of this California Common is stunning. It has a beautiful pale amber color with excellent clarity. The aroma is inviting, with a mix of Munich breadiness and earthy spiciness from the Northern Brewer hops.

The flavor follows through with those earthy and herbal hop notes, which play wonderfully with the malt sweetness, especially the Crystal 40. The beer has a clean fermentation profile with no off-flavors. The only minor critique is that the body could be slightly lighter, but that’s a small adjustment in an otherwise fantastic brew.

Overall, we think we nailed the California Common style. It’s a balanced, flavorful beer that stands up to the legacy of Anchor Steam while bringing our own twist to the table. The Jar of Destiny has once again led us to a great brewing experience, and we’re excited to see what it brings us next.


Links To The Jar of Destiny Series Results
Check out the British Strong Ale post
Check out the Black IPA post
Check out the International Amber Lager post
Check out the Belgian Tripel post
Check out the Double IPA post
Check out the Kölsch post
Check out the English IPA post
Check out the Wood-Aged Beer post
Check out the Belgian Golden Strong Ale post
Check out the American Amber Ale post
Check out the German Pils post
Check out the Brett Beer post
Check out the Munich Helles post
Check out the Imperial Stout post
Check out the Foreign Extra Stout post
Check out the Belgian IPA post
Check out the Eisbock post
Check out the Czech Dark Lager post
Check out the California Common post